Source The recently held Gupta wedding in Auli spoke volumes of extravaganza and luxury. Almost the entire glamour world was present. But what was the aftermath of such a massive celebration? Find out! Weddings in India are treated like festivals and not just celebrations. You will find people saving and spending almost all of their life’s earnings on their ghar ki shaadi . Marrying off at a faraway land, wearing expensive designer couture, having a gazillion pre-wedding festivities and truckloads of fun, all these somewhat defines Indian weddings in a nutshell. And if we are dealing with big-shot or celebrity weddings in here, apart from all the description above, please do add a sprinkle of over 250 Bollywood celebs and a huge dollop of extravaganza to it! And what could be a better way of explaining the same to you than giving you all the inside information about what happened at the famous Gupta wedding. A destination of about 10,000 feet above sea level. Check....
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